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Sales Transactions - SAP

Sales transactions - SAP File Format

 Field  Data Type  Description
 # Batch  Text  Point of Sale -> Integration File Export -> Batch Number
 D/C  Text  Returns: ZICR Sales: ZIDR
 Ref. Billing Doc.  Text  Blank
 Ref. Billing Item  Text  Blank
 GT Number  Text  Blank
 Billing Date  Text  Transaction Date Format (YYYYMMDD)
 Ord Rsn  Text  Global Administration -> Company -> Notes and Attachments -> Additional Fields -> OrdRsn
 CO  Text  Global Administration -> Company -> Notes and Attachments -> Additional Fields -> CO
 CH  Text  Global Administration -> Company -> Notes and Attachments -> Additional Fields -> CH
 DIV  Text  Global Administration -> Company -> Notes and Attachments -> Additional Fields -> DIV
 Customer No. (SH) Text  Point of Sale -> Customer Profile -> Notes and Attachments -> Additional Fields -> MobilCustomerNumber
 Payer Text  Point of Sale -> Customer Profile -> Notes and Attachments -> Additional Fields -> MobilCustomerNumber
 Cust Name (Reference)  Text  Point of Sale -> Customer Profile -> Name
 PO Name  Text  Blank
 Material  Text  Inventory -> Product Master -> SKU
 Qty  Decimal (14,4)  Transaction Item Quantity
 Qty Unit  Text  Inventory -> Product Master -> UOM
 Rate  Decimal (14,4)  Transaction Item Unit Price
 Per  Integer  Default value "1"
 Currency  Text  Inventory -> Product Master -> Currency
 Payment Term  Text  Point of Sale -> Customer Profile -> Notes and Attachments -> Additional Fields -> MobilPaymentTerm
 Plant  Text  Global Administration -> Company -> Notes and Attachments -> Additional Fields -> Plant
 ASSIGN #  Text  Blank
 Description (Detail Text Header)  Text  Transaction Reference No
 H-Description (Internal Text Header)  Text  Blank
 Description (Item Text)  Text  Blank
 H-Red Invoice Text (Header)  Text  Blank
 Your reference  Text  Blank